List Price: $719.99
Sale Price: $517.62
Today's Bonus: 28% Off
This is the night vision I was looking for , I had two of the 1.5 x 42 yukon scopes and they are ok if you know what to expect out of a gen 1 tube and $400 also if you can get past the ugly green that is different colors in different spots (why not black guys?) . The problem was that besides the normal fish eye effect that is common with gen 1 scopes , it was lacking in the focusing department . Yes it had the back ring but that really is just for the cross hairs to clear up and not be doubled while looking at them . I could see some what clearly with the cover down at very short range inside the house ( like 10 feet ) when you opened the cover it was a total blur . Outside I would really have to fight the double cross hair problem when looking at something specific ,I do not wear glasses nor need them... I saw a rabbit one time at about 30 yds and knew it was a rabbit but I really could not identify it clearly . Deer or hog size game you can see but you are limited to under 100 yds trust me 75 should be the limit really . I searched for a scope that could clear things up and be reasonable . I searched for days and just got sick of hunting for one that wasn't $1500 or more . I also learned through my research that Sightmark owns every company I was looking at ( yukon , pulsar and one other company its not ATN ) also that listings of gen 1+ and 2 gen + means nothing other then current production tubes . The life time warranty is only for 3 years on yukon and sightmark scopes tubes which is better than any other company . I heard too many hit and misses with ATN products and decided to avoid them . I looked at this scope and saw it had an adjustable objective ring in addition to the rear ring adjustment for $150 more..and it also has is a weaver rail on the other side (not shown) to mount an IR light or laser that the 1.5 does not have and its BLACK!!!! way better looking . I took it out at night with 3/4 moon and minimum cloud cover....OMG it is totally worth the extra $150 looking at the same places that I did with the two other 1.5 x 42 scopes. It was the difference between being ok with a product or totally satisfied and happy .The 1.5 x 42 only gives you a small center that is useful... the outer edges are of no use and that is a known issue with gen 1 so I understood . This scope maybe due to the focusing objective ring may have helped in correcting the problem a little because I have much better edge to edge clarity . Now when I look at something that might be blurred I just roll the front ring and its clear as can be. My cross hairs are on point after a turn with the rear ring .The person that stated he could not get it sighted in through the pin hole ..well your not suppose to do it that way, it even tells you in the instructions to do it at night with the cover up. I have not sighted it in yet but the others were done that way with no problems and if this one don't then I will let you know . The adjustments knobs have positive clicks and seem to track well .The IR light that is mounted on the scope is decent for about 75 to 100 yds and I think a added IR light would really light things up after looking at some videos, so I ordered one from here and am still waiting for it from China ...There is a great review on the 2.5 x 50 scope on youtube showing you what you will actually see when using the scope, you just have to put yukon scope in the search and it shows a dirt road with power poles . The image in the video does not do it Justis compared to actually looking through it in real life . The other scopes are set up for a locked in focus for the masses , this one lets you adjust for each individuals eyes . So people when asking yourself should I get this one or the cheaper one ???? think about this..... how many times have you gone through $150 with a tank of gas thats gone in less than a week with going to dinner and the movies added in ????..Them items are gone now but invested here will last for years and give you a great viewing experience every time you look through it instead of saying , I wish i could see a little farther and what is that over there ? ....I can tell you its a rabbit now for sure ...I hope this helps some of you in your decision.
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