CIB K808AV500G8753-4 8CH Network Security Surveillance KIT w

CIB K808AV500G8753-4 8CH Network Security Surveillance KIT w/ Four CCD Camera...
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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This company is eager to please. Questions I had and sent via e-mail were answered same day. A few days later I received a phone call to make sure that my questions were answered to my satisfaction. Over all I'm pleased with this unit. Set up was very easy. Networking with my home network was simple. Their client software for the computer works great although it doesn't do everything that can be done from the unit itself, it does enough. I didn't setup the internet access because I figured that I didn't need hackers trying to access my system. I did set up the e-mail function but I turned it off. The system sends out an e-mail every time motion is detected even when the systems schedule is set to "NOT RECORD". The same goes for the buzzer alarm -it goes off every time the system detects motion even when the systems schedule is set to "NO RECORD". The cameras detect motion , not a heat signature so if you have a weed blowing in the wind or a shadow of a tree blowing in the wind the system will detect it and start the recording. The CIB web site is sparse. There is no way to get software updates or copies of manuals as some of the competitors web sites have. The system does handle D1 resolution but can't handle it on all cameras at 30 FPS. With four cameras set up the highest I can set the D1 resolution is 18 FPS. As cameras are added that 18 FPS will drop down even more. The biggest aggravation about this system is the camera sensitivity. There are four levels of sensitivity 1-4. At level 3 during the day time it will pick up motion out 60+ feet. At night time that distance turns into about 30+ feet. On level 4 it will pick up motion out to 60+ feet at night. The trouble with the level 4 setting is that it picks up every bug flying around at night. On a typical night on level 4 sensitivity the unit will record approximately . 200+15 minute files because of bugs flying around during the 8 hours I have the system schedule set to record motion. On level 3 it only picks up 11 files for the 8 hour period. The next camera I buy I'll try a higher resolution camera and see how that works as far as the sensitivity level goes.

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