Let's get 1 thing clear. It's a piece of junk compared to Canon lenses. It's blurry at 800mm & extremely blurry at 1600mm. It's 18oz with teleconverter & EF adaptor.
The answer is no. The 2x teleconverter doesn't buy any more resolution. The fact that the 2x teleconverter has no front lens cap shows how valuable its manufacturer thinks it is.
What the 2x teleconverter buys U is sharper focusing. If your goal is focusing bright objects, use the 2x teleconverter & throw away 1/2 the frame to get better focus. It's much easier to focus this way.
It's probably no better than a 400mm L & it's probably no better than a 200mm L + 2x teleconverter for $200 in 2007. Unfortunately the Canon 2x teleconverter jumped 50% since then. It's definitely better than a 200mm L.
F/8 is a really narrow depth of field. F/8 & F/16 R not a problem when using a tripod & a modern digital camera. The Canon's focusing squares R useless. It's too blurry & dark. Unfortunately, F/16 brings out all your sensor dirt.
U need to fabricate a lens platform to mount it on a tripod. It's too heavy to hang off the camera body.
Focus guides on T mount lenses R worthless because they always go on the bottom, but it still has a focus guide.
It can make out the space station solar panels & fill 1/2 the frame with the moon. It can't see Jupiter's bands.
Rokinon 800mm Multi-Coated Mirror Lens with 2x Teleconverter
Posted by
on Sunday, June 12, 2016
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