Dell Inspiron 660s i660s-3854BK Desktop

Dell Inspiron 660s i660s-3854BK Desktop
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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This computer is exactly what I was configuring on Dell's own website but during checkout at Dell I ran into a problem as they wanted to charge me $70 to ship to Hawaii. I did the Dell chat thing to ask why it was so much and the chat support person was so slow and asking so many unnecessary questions that I did a quick Amazon search and found it for around $150 cheaper on Amazon with free shipping to Hawaii no less!

Good old Amazon coming through yet again. I feared it would be lacking something because it was cheaper but it is exactly as described, had the extra ram in it, wifi IS included, etc. Very fast, minimal bloatware from Dell, super quiet and fairly small (not as small as the old Dell Studio Hybrid series but smaller than a normal desktop).

I would highly recommend this computer for anything expect high end video games.

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