Sandisk MicroSD & MicroSDHC to SD Adapter (Static Pack)

Sandisk MicroSD & MicroSDHC to SD Adapter
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $1.40
Today's Bonus: 89% Off
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I admit, I was thrown by the suspisciously low price, but I felt a little more reassured by looking at the reviews. And for that reason, I'm writing this one to add to the credibility of this item for others considering it. It's real, and it works. I use it to connect the microSD card in my phone to my computer. Works exactly as I want it to. Perfect. And oh so cheap. Not to mention the free and FAST (about 2-days) shipping.

If you need one of these adapters, buy it. :D

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