Olympus 50-200mm Zuiko Digital f/2.8-3.5 ED Lens for Digital SLR

Olympus 50-200mm Zuiko Digital f/2.8-3.5 ED Lens for Digital SLR Cameras
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Wow. I just got it. And already I can't say enough. I love this lens. The pictures are wonderful.

Given like many of you, I have limited means, I feel vindicated about my decision to save up (I understand how you feel attempting to reconcile the cost of this lens vs. the cost of your camera... some of us will spend more on THIS lens than the camera body...ouch! ...right now that'd be everyone save the E-330 crowd and the Panasonic DMC-L1) and BUY THIS ONE.

Understand, the advantage this lens gives you is a larger max aperture (f2.8-3.5) at all focal lengths which translates into much better action shots (your subject is in focus and your background is blurred) and greater opportunity for low light images (e.g., candlelight) at a better ISO (e.g., you might get away with ISO 200 on a shot instead of 400 translating into less noise). Couple that with the knowledge that your 50-200mm lens functions as a 100-400mm (factor is 2x given the 4/3rds sensor size compared to a 35mm frame) and you've got a lens that is as versatile as it is beautiful. Your only downside is that it is heavy, so you're going to have to either start working out or for long shoots (e.g. your kid's soccer match) bring the monopod (there is a well centered mount that comes with the lens).

In any event, why would you buy this lens? The same reason you'd make any purchase surrounding your camera setup. Because you're after GREAT pictures (leave the average stuff to the point and shoot crowd). With this lens on the end of your Olympus E Series camera, you can get there. So start saving (time for a garage sale?) and soon you'll be the envy of the soccer pitch, football field, and dance recital with your beautiful, versatile Olympus 50-200mm Zuiko f/2.8-3.5 ED lens that you, with great wisdom and foresight, bought because you're taking great pictures...

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