If you are in the market for a high end light meter for large format photography, this is the one. There is a step better than this one (Although I bought mine long before the new one came out) the Sekonic L-758 but that is geared more toward digital photography. This meter has the capability for incident and spot metering. With the one degree spot meter you can use it to achieve great Zone System metering. You can also average multiple readings. One feature I really enjoy of this meter is that you can take a meter reading of your highest highlight or lowest dark and move around the scene to see how many stops any given part of your scene is off. Particularly useful for shooting with chrome film in my opinion. A great feature of this meter is that it has the module in it to remotely fire Pocket Wizard powered strobes.
All in all, if you're shooting with large format, this is a wonderful meter. If you are shooting with digital, it is too although you might want to consider the 758 for all the added options for calibrating specifically to your specific digital camera.
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