Sony Alpha DSLR-A380 Digital SLR with 18-55mm & 75-300mm Lenses

Sony Alpha DSLR-A380 Digital SLR with 18-55mm & 75-300mm Lenses and Carrying Case wtih Turtorial DVD
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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After researching Nikon for a month, I was ready to buy the Nikon D5000. My daughters teacher told me to look at Sony before plunking down the Nikon money. I'm so glad I did!

The body of the Sony has a vibration reduction built into the BODY of the camera so the lenses don't need it. This make Sony lenses several hundred dollars cheaper than the Nikon lenses (that have VR). Lenses being the most expensive part of photography, this feature made me look harder at Sony.

Recovery time from shutter press to ability to take the next photo is faster than on the Nikon. The Nikon was .5 to 1 second slower in recovery time. When you need to take several pictures fast (but not the continuous photo feature) this is a big thing.

The Sony is lighter. I held both camera with the 18-55 lens attached, one in each hand, and the Nikon is much heavier after about 3 minutes. When carrying a camera around all day, that is important.

I purchased my camera kit (body, 2 lenses, DVD and bag) for this price at Wolf/Ritz Camera in Denver. The people there allowed me to take several photos inside their store with both camera, using my SD card. I was also allowed to take several just outside the store. I used their 1 hour service to print the photos and found no quality difference. I printed them on 4X6 matte finish and at that small a size, the difference in megapixels (12 for Nikon, 14 for Sony) wasn't seen.

The price difference between the Sony and a comparable Nikon was so big that this kit is a no brainer! BUY IT! At 14mp this camera will last you years and you'll pass it on to your kids. And you won't spend all your money on lenses.

Okay, there are a couple features I wish the Sony had. Primarily video. This camera cannot take video. I have 5 kids and I use a small Kodak 12mp point and shoot for the video, so I still get that. The kodak takes nice video and is inexpensive, is small so it fits in my camera bag easily.

The bag that come with this kit isn't the best. I will buy a better one this week. The bag is too small for the camera with the lens on.

I took my Sony on a 4 day, 250 mile bicycle tour that I was SAGing for. I used it all weekend, took over 700 photos and the camera performed perfectly. The battery lasted over 500 shots (I used the optical viewfinder since it was so sunny I couldn't see the LCD) before needing recharged.

I'm very happy I purchased this Sony and expect it will last me many years to come.

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