List Price: $151.95
Sale Price: $91.92
Today's Bonus: 40% Off
Recently i purchased a Bushnell Velocity Speed Gun to test out it's accuracy. I have been in law enforcement since 1985 & i am certified in the use of radar.I read several reviews from customers on how they were dissatisfied beacause their radar gun did not work properly for one reason or another. My partners patrol car has a MPH radar & i decided to see just how accurate a Bushnell hand radar compared with it.I have 2 different speed tuning forks to test my MPH with & tested both of them on the Bushnell as well.The Bushnell tested accurate & gave the correct reading on both tuning forks i tested with.i then took it on the road & compared it against my partners MPH radar system against oncoming traffic & it worked as well matching vehicle speed with my MPH as well.
Although i used it on traffic,it should work on any moving object such as baseball,softball,tennis balls etc.Just remember that these objects are of course much smaller than a vehicle & you must be in direct line of sight to the object to get a true & accurate reading of speed.I would reccomend this particular unit to anyone interested in purchasing one.
Michael DeLano.CPSO,Auxilliary Deputy Sheriff
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