List Price: $319.99
Sale Price: $299.00
Today's Bonus: 7% Off
On the whole the firefly GT800 seems well made, has pretty good optics, and works pretty much as described. You should be prepared for the fact that the whole field is not in focus at the same time if the center is in focus, the edges are not unless you refocus by changing the distance from the object. If you want a photo where the whole image is sharp you would need to take multiple images at different distances then combine them with a software such as Helicon Focus.
I've downgraded it to 4 stars because I think the product description is misleading. Specifically, the claim about how much it magnifies is misleading. The image at magnification "10X" is of a field of view of 19.5 mm. Compared to a digital SLR with a sensor of 23.2 mm this is a ratio of about 1.2:1, just a little better than a macro lens. With the image at magnification "230X" the field of view is 2.3 mm. Compared to the digital SLR this is a ratio of about 10.7:1 The images you get are more comparable to what you would expect from a macro lens with extension tubes. They are not what you would expect if you are thinking of 230X on a real microscope. This product would be more accurately advertised as a digital hand lens, not a digital microscope, but of course would then not be as salable.
My other complaint is that the manual is very minimal and usually does nothing except tell you the name of a button. I've dinked around and figured out most of them but there are still a few where the function eludes me. A small amount of effort on the manual should not be too much to expect for something with a price tag like this.
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