List Price: $379.95
Sale Price: $292.81
Today's Bonus: 23% Off
I was looking for a pocketable camera that took decent pictures, had decent low light performance, and had a long reach. This is the newest of the offerings that I found that met the criteria (on paper).
I'm familiar with how well the smaller Fuji cameras do with their low light prowess, but that's due to a combination of the sensor and the glass they use. Since I am adding the requirement of a log reach lens, I am decreasing the quality of the optics and making it require more light during a shot (zoom lenses on cameras generally are lesser quality unless you're talking lenses in the $1000's).
I just got back from Cabo with the camera, and it did admirabley on both long shots. It has a great reach, but you need something more stable than your hands and the camera's stabilization to get good shots at 20x zoom..
I shot mostly in Aperture mode, but tried the "low light", "high contrast", and "portrait" auto modes, and looking at the shots on a big monitor, they all came out great. Sure there is some noise in the dark scenes, but it was far less than expected, and I could easily print a 8"x10" without it looking like a pixelated mess. I never used the flash beyond testing it out. I'm not a fan of the images any/most flashes produce.
I tried some video, and it looked good enough. I wish there also were a 1080p 30fps mode, as it only does 60fps when in 1080p mode. It would save some file space. I also wish there were no limitations on the length of video you can shoot, but inexplicably, on some of the slow motion modes, you are limited to 60 seconds maximum recording.
Overall, I am a fan of the newer sensor that the F900EXR has over the model it is replacing. I would definitely recommend it to friends.
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