This equipment is amazing! Before I bought this equipment, I've done many research on which suction car mount I should get for video. I was concern about 3 things, 1) The Price, 2) How stable would the video be, 2) the stability of the suction mount itself, how long would it last without falling off when driving...
I've came to my decision to buy the CAMTREE G-51 Gripper Car Suction Mount. When I bought it, I tested it out when shooting a friend's film. We've placed the mount on a side of a truck (shoot with T2i). The suction mount lasted for about 5 hours. It did not fall, (we took it off). The video was wasn't shaky AT ALL. It would also depends on how you place it.
It would take you some times to set up the Suction Mount on the car (depend on where). And if you set it right, the CAMTREE G-51 Gripper Car Suction Mount for Photography/Videography is worth the Price.
I've also used the same suction mount to test out the Opening (title) sequence for my upcoming short film.
Here is the link to the video, shot on T2i.
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