Sony DCRTRV900 MiniDV Handycam Digital Video Camcorder

Sony DCRTRV900 MiniDV Handycam Digital Video Camcorder with Builtin Digital Still Mode
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I wrote a review after I had decided to purchase the DCR-TRV900 (see "Great for a Mac DV user"). Since then, I've had a few e-mails asking how it works in practice.

I have no trouble capturing video from my TRV900 to my Apple PowerBook G3 "Bronze." What I thought I expected was the size of DV video clips -16GB (yes, gigabytes) for one hour of video with sound. I ordered a 37GB drive, and now have an additional 75GB drive on backorder. Keep that in mind if you decide to do your own video editing on a computer.

I learned that you should record a signal across the entire MiniDV tape before you use it. This makes capturing easier, since unrecorded sections have no timecode, creating a 'new' zero-point for subsequent footage. The TRV900 has a very nice Color Bar feature which is perfect for this basic signal.

I never thought I'd use the flip-out LCD screen. I use it all the time. I did video 15 years ago in high school, and thought I preferred viewfinders. I was wrong. Further, you can flip it all the way around so your subject can see what the camera sees, and kids LOVE this. (The viewfinder starts working when you do this.)

One feature which has provided great entertainment is the Frame Recording. This will record about six frames of video and then pause. Using a tripod and the remote control, you can do a decent job of stop-motion animation.

I bought the 8-hour battery, and it was worth it. The included battery is next to useless for any recreational recording.

Finally, I got the PCMCIA adapter for the Memory Stick. The TRV900 has a PCMCIA slot for recording still images at 640x480 resolution, with varying compression levels, and I've used it a lot. (The progressive scan is always on for this Memory Mode; you can turn it on or off for Camcorder mode if you want video frames you can capture.) I also ended up buying Sony's USB Memory Stick reader so I don't have to remove my Ratoc FireWire card from my PowerBook.

Overall, I'd say this is an excellent camera for someone who wants to do home video editing and enjoys playing with the medium. For me, having fun is a big part of videotaping...this camera is a fun camera.

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