This is close to being a perfect example of a wearable/mountable POV camera. But unfortunately, close isn't quite good enough.
The pros:
Video is awesome, in all of the modes.
Stills are very good quality, the timelapse feature is fantastic.
It's waterproof.
The mounting options are (almost) limitless.
The cons:
It's awkward to set up. Menu is like something from 20 years ago.
Firmware issues have yet to be addressed by the manufacturer. This is inexcusable as the camera has been available for sale for nearly a year.
Audio is useless. They could have saved weight and cost by just not including a mic. The only instance where it even sort of works is when mounted right near a loudish sound you want to highlight, such as an engine.
There are too many instances where "Macgyvering" is required to get the desired result. The quick release mount rattles so you need to tape the base plate, the non waterproof back allows too much wind noise, so you need to tape over the openings, the shutter button rattles, so you need to tape over that. Moral of the story: BUY TAPE.
The support by the manufacturer is not quite adequate. I realize it's a small start up company, but for all the issues with the use of the camera and the handling/editing of the files, they really need to release some conclusive videos or articles to address these concerns.
People who might find this camera useful:
Auto racing enthusiasts
Mountain Bikers
Hobbyist videographers looking for those unique shots
People who will likely be disappointed and frustrated by this camera:
Pretty much anyone who thinks they'll be using it as a camcorder.
People who aren't really tech savvy and/or have an older computer
People who don't like to tinker and engineer solutions to make it do what they want.
******UPDATE******* ******UPDATE******* ******UPDATE******* ******UPDATE******* ******UPDATE*******
As of September 7, 2010, Gopro released the new firm ware for the camera. It seems to have fixed most of the bugs/issues. It also provides the option for upside down mounting.
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