Nintendo DSi XL Red Bundle with Mario Kart

Nintendo DSi XL Red Bundle with Mario Kart
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I was very excited about this DSi ever since I heard about it, and having received it I am very happy with my purchase. I already had a DSi but I like the monstrously large screens on the XL and this special edition was a perfect excuse as I sort of collect these things too anyway. The "Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary" print and special logos on the top are very well done and are under the surface so will not scratch off, and the red is a nice sort of darker shade solid red. Glossy on the top surface and a pleasant matte finish around the sides and back which is great because you can avoid fingerprints this way.

The ONLY downside to the DSi in general, are the DSiWare games, in which once you purchase them, they are locked to that specific system. So for me who had a handful of titles downloaded on my older DSi, I could not transfer them as Nintendo won't yet allow it. More people need to complain to them about that!

Anyway, all in all, very satisfied, highly recommended. A MUST for collectors and definitely worth it for first time DS buyers or anyone who likes the screen size here and wants a great library of games available on the platform.

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