List Price: $649.95
Sale Price: $499.99
Today's Bonus: 23% Off
When my 9500ix was stolen out of my car earlier this year, I went shopping for a replacement. I was happy to see that someone FINALLY came out with a legitimate Radar/GPS combo that was housed in a stealthy "GPS-looking" body. I ordered the IQ and used it for 2 weeks. Then I boxed it up, sent it back, and ordered another 9500ix. On the positive side, the radar seemed to work equally as well as my 9500ix did. On the negative side, the IQ was HUGE&HEAVY, the GPS software was poor (didnt like the user interface, the routes were not always the best, and it often brought me to a location "down the road" from the intended destination), and I did not like the design of the mount whether windshield mounted or "bean-bag" dash mounted, the power cord plugs into the *UNIT ITSELF* and NOT the bracket. On the heels of having my previous 9500ix stolen, I certainly didnt want to leave my new and expensive IQ on display when the vehicle was parked. This meant unplugging the power cord from the side before removing it from the mount each time I parked my car. Sounds trivial, but one of many minor annoyances with this unit that I believe will be fixed in the next generation of IQ. Speaking of the next generation -bluetooth would have been nice in a unit that cost $600+. These days, even a $100 Garmin or TomTom has bluetooth.
In short, I liked the idea of the IQ, but I think the product in its current state misses the mark. Perhaps if Escort addresses some of the issues and releases an updated version in the coming year I will try again, but for now I am perfectly happy with my "9500ix + Garmin".
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