Samsung Galaxy Tab (T-Mobile)

Samsung Galaxy Tab
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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As a current iPad owner who also uses the Droid X, I must say that after spending 15 minutes with this thing I absolutely love it. The size is fantastic in that its a signifcantly improved viewing experience over the 4.3 inch Droid X screen (which is also great) and it is easy to hold with one hand and navigate with the other an added bonus is that it also fits in a suit coat pocket.

The Microsoft Exchange integration with email/calendar/contacts is seemless and allows for almost all of the functionality provided via a laptop. One of the drawbacks of the iPad is its poor integration with Outlook (couldn't delete, move emails while one a plane working offline not a problem with the Tab).

The screen is gorgeous, speed is quick and the Google location services (GPS, Latitude, Maps, Place and the list goes on and on) are fantastic.

I would highly recommend this product.

Update after 1 week of ownership, I love it even more. As someone who travels (4 cities over last 5 days), I'm considering leaving my notebook home on business travel with future trips. The benefits of the form factor can't be overstated it fits in my jeans pocket when out casually and in my suit jacket during business. It also smartly switches from WiFi to 3G when a WiFi network is not within reach and vice versa (so that you don't unnecessarily consume data via your cellular carrier). I also watched a movie on my East to West coast trip 3 hour and 13 minute move burned less than half the battery time. It's also great to be able to modify .xls documents when needed seamless integration with outlook / attachments.

Absolutely love this thing...

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