List Price: $1,195.00
Sale Price: $1,149.00
Today's Bonus: 4% Off
I tired of carrying my DSLR and associated lenses, etc and decided to go to a Point and Shoot (P&S) camera. I had read a great deal and having owned a Nikon D-60 DSLR for a period of time, was concerned primarily with picture quality in going from a DSLR with large sensor to a P&S with much smaller sensor. For 3 solid months, give or take, I diligently, researched all P&S cameras as well as "mirrorless cameras" currently on the market. I went to 'handle' the cameras I was interested in (see below) and to Flickr on the internet and queried some groups regarding the cameras I was considering. I am a hobbyist when it comes to photography but, I was obsessed with getting as close to the superior photo quality of a DSLR as possible in a P&S. I finally decided on the Leica due to (what I believe to be) superior photo quality and excellent in-camera jpeg processing. I looked at the Nikon P7000...mixed but generally lower reviews within this group (I have owned a number of/and greatly respect Nikons); Panasonic LX5...which many say to be the same as the Leica (with the exception of jpeg processing); Canon G-12...which seemed ok with the exception of handling RAW production and the Canon S95...not as good in the lens department and photo processing. Both the Leica and Panasonic have a larger sensor than the rest of this group. Granted, I could have purchased any of these really good cameras, at a much lower price; but, I found the color and overall photo quality of the D Lux 5 to be best of the group I researched. I have never owned a Leica before and I while I expected it I am still shocked at the sticker price and cost of accessories. I'll not debate the pros and cons of the Panasonic LX5 versus the Leica, there is enough information in that regard published by professionals and labs, all over the internet. The warranty and the inclusion of Lightroom 3 were nice additions, to help soothe the price pain. A word about the warranty, depending on what you read the warranty goes anywhere from 2 years (what was in my box warranty) and some (see Steve Huff's excellent analysis) say 3 years. I'll admit the whole warranty process was/is confusing. I bought my camera from B&H Photo in New York and was confused when the salesman said that there was no warranty with the Leica during checkout and that I should buy an additional warranty for 2 years. Everything I had read previous to my purchase, said Leica provided a 2 year warranty and so I passed on the B&H offer, hope I am right. I am very happy with this camera. It is easy to operate, provides excellent stabilization, in-camera menus are outstanding, shoots in RAW format and is easy to carry/handle. Leica accessories are expensive though. Many of the items that fit the LX5; also, fit the Leica. The viewfinder, although with mixed reviews, is a must if you shoot in bright daylight or snowy environs. The Panasonic viewfinder is around $200.00 less than the Leica brand and supposedly fits/works the same on the D Lux 5...we'll see. My decision to buy the Leica boiled down to quality of build/pictures and reputation. Good sites to go to:; DPReview; CNET;;; youtube and if you want to look at actual photos, taken by everyday users of the Leica D Lux 5, see the Leica groups on Flicr. Hope this helps.
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