List Price: $249.99
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Initially I was happy with my Nook Tablet (NT). I downloaded some of my pdf files, checked my email, got on the web, and got a couple of reading materials from the Nook store....then I looked at the apps selection of the B&N store -jeeze, very limited. I had read multiple enthusiastic reviews talking about downloading third party apps, went online and was very happy to download several of the same apps I use on my smart phone that are not available on the B&N store. I got a few apps, sideloaded them, and was happy. At this point I would say I would have given 4.5 stars if I reviewed it right then and even told my friends and patients the same. Then I turned on my NT right before Christmas, and the third party app capability had disappeared. I discovered that the 1.4.1 firmware update that was pushed to us unsuspecting users had disabled the capability of third party apps. Talk about disappointed -The main reasons I got the NT (instead of a Kindle Fire) were #1 the android OS that allows you to run literally thousands of apps, and #2 the memory card expansion slot. Now, with third party apps locked out, the NT in my eyes has significantly lost value, in fact it really isn't much more than an eReader now -and I could have spent a lot less and got either a black/white version or nook color if an eReader is all I wanted. It was marketed as a "Nook Tablet" and that is what I expected when I bought it. Now I am really thinking hard about taking it back. Nook "tablet" my foot without decent apps, this thing is basically a nook color that costs a lot more. This is a totally bone headed move on B&N's part, and very draconian. I understand that they want users to buy content from them instead of a competitor -OK, fine, but how about offering some content in terms of apps that I want or need? What about free apps from other sources that you wouldn't make money on anyway? What about the apps I already paid for via the android store that I use on my smart phone, that I am allowed by their EULA to put on more than 1 device, say my NT plus my smart phone? I would love to put some of those apps on my NT, but either B&N wants me to buy another copy from them now just to use on my Nook, or I am just SOL if they don't have it available in their store. How many times do I really need to pay for Angry Birds? Do you think people buy MP3s from iTunes, then turn around and buy the same MP3s from Google, then turn around and buy the same MP3s from Amazon? Well, then why should B&N insist that you do? I don't have a huge issue with them steering customers back to them, if they just offered more selection in their app store. Have a look at the android market I think they have over 50,000 apps, Look at the Amazon app store -over 24,000 apps (many free) -I know that is their competitor, but they need to improve their own selection if they want to keep me as a customer. They have basically said to their customers you buy from us, or you buy from no one. You lock people down, you tell them you only buy from one source (B&N) and then offer a pittance when compared to your competition, and even charge for some apps that are free elsewhere, or charge for apps the customer has already bought somewhere else previously, then don't be surprised when customers leave you for other products. The Nook has superior hardware, but it doesn't mean Jack if you can't have the software you need/want in order to utilize the hardware -like I said I'll probably take it back to the store. I'd rather have a Kindle Fire or true android Tablet so that I can use the software I want to use. And now when my friends and patients ask, I am now telling them to buy something else where you can actually use the software you want I have totally came around 180 since the B&N "update" stripped one of the best capabilities out of the Nook Tablet. Totally disappointed in B&N for this move.
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