List Price: $299.95
Sale Price: $299.00
Today's Bonus: $0.95 Off
It can be used as an optical slave (without TTL of course) that will work with any system. More than I can say about my 580ex ii's which require an additional flash or radio trigger to use in the same manner. The dial is a little small and slightly hard to use, but so are the ones on Panasonic cameras. The wide angle diffuser and catchlight card are difficult to pull out as well. If you have a Panasonic or Olympus 4/3 camera, at least one of these in the camera bag is a must! I can't speak for other Panasonic cameras, but the GH3 controls this flash wirelessly! That is something the 5D Mk II/III won't even do without an expensive accessory. And for Heaven's sake, DON'T USE THE "POP UP" FLASH FOR ANY TYPE OF PORTRAIT, ESPECIALLY INDOORS OR IN LOW LIGHT!
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