List Price: $249.99
Sale Price: $160.00
Today's Bonus: 36% Off
I must say instead of purchasing from Amazon I couldn't wait and tested out cameras in Best Buy and was completely sold on this camera and paid $20 more +tax. It feels a little on the cheap side? Maybe just because it's light weight which I do like. It was very easy to connect to security enabled wi-fi and send pictures to facebook and email. Some things I believe require you to connect to a computer. The camera is very intuitive and hints automatically pop up on the screen to further explain what a feature can help you with. I have not picked up the manual yet. As another reviewer said the flash is odd but works very well. I think the way the flash is lends me to lean toward that cheap feeling because it seems as though it could be broken easily the way it is attached. However, the camera detects if you open it and then will allow for auto flash when open or flash off if it's closed.
I wondered how point and shoot cameras were going to keep up and this camera is an excellent example. This camera is by far better than any cell phone just with the wide angle and zoom capabilities. With the added sharing, touch screen, and intuitiveness that is integrated it makes it an very neat relatively compact device. It's not as compact as some but way smaller than the larger zoom cameras and is a great compromise.
I have seen a couple cameras with gps and I know one was powered by android. Nice features but I did not see the benefit of having a lot of those features on my camera when I have them on my phone? Also, the price of that camera was significantly more.
Also something to note. This camera actually has a low light sensor that compensates for the light level versus detecting the light level and adjusting the shutter speed. When your shutter speed is slower to allow more light in this gives you more time to move the camera and means image stabilization has more to process. In other words it doesn't work very well. The samsung has a quick shutter speed in low light situations and does a nice job of compensating for the light therefore also making your pictures clearer and brighter. This is from my experience and the BB rep gave me a demonstration of it when I had narrowed my choices between a canon elph with wifi and the samsung.
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