Sony SAL-35F14G 35mm f/1.4 Aspherical G Series Standard Zoom

Sony SAL-35F14G 35mm f/1.4 Aspherical G Series Standard Zoom Lens for Sony Alpha Digital SLR Camera
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I bought my copy of this lens used at a minor discount from new to use as a video lens with my a33. Yes I don't own a FF camera, but I will within the lifetime of my owning this lens hence I'm only buying lens which can be used on both cameras. I also have a 50mm F1.7 Minolta lens which I like a lot but I'm shooting some videos inside and with this camera the more light the better for inside. I've also got the Sony 24-105mm F3.5-5.6 which I love for vacations. Yes it's a bit slow but low light shots, but I tend to shoot mostly outdoors stuff when on vacation and I got it used at a very good price. Yes I'd only buy Zeiss glass if I were richer but I'm not and the reviews of the 24-105.

So why buy a 35mm F1.4 prime for an Aps-c camera? Well you may disagree but I like the portrait shots it gives me. And with the a33 in video mode you have no control over the aperture, the camera uses all the light and adjusts the frame speed and ISO automatically so to get decent inside video you need more glass. With the 50mm I have to stand too far back to pick up the sound. (I have a directional mike that mounts on the camera)

Plus it's only a matter of time before FF cameras become affordable for us mere mortals and then I'll upgrade and keep all my glass.

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