Nikon TC-14E II (1.4x) Teleconverter AF-S for Nikon Digital SLR

Nikon TC-14E II Teleconverter AF-S for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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I have used both the TC-17E II and this one, the TC-14E II. This one multiplies the reach of a zoom lens by only 1.4. There are two other Nikon teleconverters in this series, the TC-17E II (1.7 multiplier) and the TC-20E II (2.0 times multiplier). The "E II" series of teleconverters is only suitable for certain Nikon lenses--check the Nikon website for compatability. I purchased this teleconverter for use with the 70-200VR F/2.8 lens, with which it is quite compatible.

All teleconverters introduce at least a theoretical degradation in image quality in exchange for the extra reach; the extent of this can range from the unnoticeable to the significant. The TC-14E II does not degrade the images from the 70-200VR to any perceptible extent. Even when shooting with wide aperture settings this teleconverter does not appear to introduce any noticeable decrease in lens image quality. Further, it only lowers the light sensitivity of a lens by one F Stop. This means that a 2.8 lens will become a 4.0 lens when using this teleconverter--still pretty fast. The TC-14E II is noticeably sharper than the TC-17E II in lower light conditions requiring wider apertures (at the cost of less "reach" or magnification). I have been extremely impressed with the combination of the TC-14E II and the Nikon 70-200VR. The magnification is significant, and the decrease in image quality is undetectable.

Most Nikon afficianados seem to think that the 17E II is the best compromise between not too much image degradation and significant magnification, and I am inclined to agree with this, generally. The charm of the 14E is that it really does appear not to exact any appreciable price in terms of image quality, and it is the only teleconverter I have ever used (or heard of) of which this can be said. The qualities of the 14E II become evident when shooting in low light conditions, such as early morning wildlife shots. When shooting flying birds, for instance, this TC is particularly useful, because it allows wider apertures, which may be required to allow the photographer to use faster shutter speeds to "freeze" the subjects and avoid motion blur. Under such conditions, one appreciates the special qualities of the TC-14E II.

Highly recommended.

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