I already purchased one of these (body only) to add to my K5 and K30. Naturally, I have an assortment of excellent KA-mount lenses, both manual and AF, legacy and modern. Some are Pentax, some are Tamron, some Rokinon, and even an excellent Bell & Howell branded 8mm fisheye. So in a world of crippling lens costs, I got a great deal. All of these bodies have built in stabilization. Remaining in a world of the K-mount series of lenses is a tremendous asset and money saver.
These bodies are excellent. The metal framed K-01 is no exception. Though not weather sealed and without a VF, its other features more than compensate for those deficiencies. The K-01 I purchased @ 590 smackers was, I thought, a fantastic bargain for a unit with the same excellent sensor as the K5, K5-ii, Sony and Nikon bodies utilizing an APS-C format, given the superlative reviews for said sensor. The K30 & K-01 also have an improved processor that beats out the one in the K5 & K5-ii. But now (w/a little shopping) @ 346 smackers--well...they're essentially GIVING the body away. Why? I'm not certain. Perhaps the initial negative reviews of the design by some hasty naysayers tarnished the market for this gem. But at the current deflated price, even though I don't have an immediately NEED for it, I can't resist what amounts to a steal. I'm ordering another one! (Before they're gone)
This body doesn't overheat in video mode. It's big enough to grip. Its size likely provides for the better heat dissipation. It has focus peaking. The LCD is excellent. Along with the K5 and K30, it takes great pictures. It's packed with features and fun. It's now cheaper than many P&S cameras having smaller sensors and poorer performance. They don't have a VF either. It's a great backup unit for when your pricier K5 series is in the shop or otherwise indisposed. While not pocket sized, it's lighter and easier to carry around your neck. Did I mention it doesn't overheat in video mode? That means you can repeatedly take 25 minute clips without it prematurely shutting down. (Provided you have sufficient memory left and aren't using a resolution that will eat up the available file size before the 25 minute mark) Why all of the above models in the U.S. don't include a feature allowing successive image/video file creation without shutting down at all escapes me. Not incidentally, the K-01 uses the SAME battery as the K5, and K5-ii, though not the K30. They ALL accept the same SDHC/SDXC memory cards...more $avings. Sony's A99 body accepts 2 such cards and will record to both simultaneously, but it's $2800. Hopefully more camera makers will follow suit for the flexibility this arrangement offers. Right now, you can get an ultra-fast (~45Mb/sec) SanDisk SDHC card for around $35. Swapping is quick enough to make it a minor inconvenience compared to the Sony offering.
If you're a video producer, having an extra (at such a bargain price) also allows you and an assistant to cover an event from multiple camera angles and/or w/varied lenses. The flash mechanics is refined and allows a Rode stereo mike to be mounted in the shoe simultaneously. They're not mutually exclusive. Being without a mirror, there's no slap. (unlike the K30, which is obnoxiously loud) The RED button allows for instant video clip recording--a nice convenience. The body and controls are solidly built. At its current price, this body practically becomes a lens accessory. Yeah, it's not a medium format or even full frame camera. So what? Except for specialized applications, the APS-C format shines in all other respects. The kit bag is lighter. The product is excellent. The bodies listed are versatile. I'm thinking with a proper wireless remote control trigger, you could have a studio on the cheap with simultaneous multiple camera angles. Get some lighting stands and quartz lamps at Home Depot for extra savings. They even have full spectrum bulbs on the cheap along with assorted color heat ranges.
It's astounding to consider how much power this body (and its cousins) puts into the hands of the great unwashed at such a low price. Excellent photography and video composition is no longer only for the wealthy. It's now possible to document and tell those stories of your dreams. Don't be fooled by the hype and 'glamour' of the more advertised brands...this is a quality tool in the hands of a serious photographer. Even if it looked like a hamburger (actually, its looks tend to grow on you) its functionality would scream, "Buy me!"
I read the hype of the other brands along with everyone else. I'm not immune to the 'center folds' they advertise. But in the end, I can't ignore common sense. This body just makes too much sense to pass up at this price. And, for the money, it'd make a great gift if there's someone in your life interested in photography.
ps: Not only are they 'giving' this thing away, they're shipping it for free! Color me amazed.
Pentax K-01 16MP APS-C CMOS Compact System Camera Kit with DA
Posted by
on Friday, March 20, 2015
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