List Price: $9,995.00
Sale Price: $9,799.00
Today's Bonus: 2% Off
Big lenses are not for everyone. Heavy, long and somewhat cumbersome to protect and care for while in the field all that goes away once you're set up and feel the glee of the auto focus homing in on the target. After struggling with manual focus long lenses for decades, with no VR capability, it's hard to express how the combination of auto focus and vibration reduction drastically improve one's ratio of usable and pleasing images.
Expensive youbetcha! Whether or not it's worth it depends upon the degree of your passion. I saved every penny for almost ten years to replace my Nikon 500mm manual focus with the 600mm f4 AF VR. Satisfaction is measured by the amazing percentage of in focus shots on fast moving subjects.
For what it's worth, I tried a couple after market brands for less money, but after trying them out for a day, returned them. The Nikon 600mm does exactly what it is supposed to do. A step up for sure.
Note: Wouldn't hurt to work out with barbells at the gym for at least a month before you take delivery.
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