To be honest I was very shaky buying this camcorder because I could not find much info and reviews on in and also because I haven't herd of this brand. At one point I even debated canceling my order to buy a more expensive Sony, but it had already shipped… So I decided to give it a shot. Glad I did because it turns out to be a great little camcorder. The IR light is not bright at all so I ended up making one of my own.. well actually 3 and this made the entire camera 100x better when investigating. I did notice it had trouble focusing at times and I would highly suggest not leaving it on a tripod on night mode for over an hour without checking on it because it can gradually loose focus. It is great to carry due to its size. To be honest I have had the best luck simply zooming all the way out and taking it off the auto focus while roaming around in the dark. Sound for the most part is great. I have noticed a second or two of light static but only noticed it twice. The bundle they sent for 259 was a great deal! I would give 5 stars if it didn't struggle with the focus. Hay Bell and Howell.. please package this item with a IR light. Id rather have that than one of the lenses. Also I am not too sure where to find Batteries… which last a little over 2 hours. Software they send only allows you to watch the Video and snap pics which I had to use other programs to edit my footage.
If you want to build an IR light like I did I found this awesome guy that gives you step by step directings @
Thanks and hope this helps, happy hunting
Matt Hastings
Claro Paranormal Research
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